Mr. Sun

Forgive the pun, but sometimes it’s easy to forget about the bigger picture. Sometimes I forget that it’s not about the expensive details at the wedding. It’s not about making senior girls look like models. My job is not about making things look perfect for the sake of looking perfect. I’m glad I got to start off the busy season today with the Sheneman Family, because they always remind me of why I started in photography and what I’m trying to accomplish with my job. They remind me that life is messy, sometimes kids just don’t want to get their picture taken, and that it’s okay to capture that instead of trying to fake everything into looking perfect. And that’s why I love my job. Because people trust me to capture them for who they are. They invite me into their lives for an hour or two, and I get to watch. Today I got to watch little Ruby eat her first birthday cake. I got to watch Remy cling to her daddy for dear life, because taking pictures just wasn’t on her agenda today. And I got to watch Mike and Cydney do what they do best… caring for two little girls who just adore them. That’s their lives right now. That’s the bigger picture.


  1. Crystal Riley says:

    Awesome pictures Emily! Love to see all the great expressions on Ruby’s face!