water slide

I am at a complete loss for words. The only reason I’m able to type this right now, is because I know I’ll get another chance to write a better post when I blog their wedding later this summer. How do I write about Jonathan and Stephanie? Stephanie means the world to me. If ever I had a homeslice, it would be her. We spent an entire season painting the walls of her house while I spilled my heart out to her in awkward segments that often ended in late night texting sessions. And then Jon came along, with all his charm, and convinced her to repaint the entire house. In the back of my mind I thought this had to be some symbolic foreshadowing of how their new relationship was going to cover up our friendship. But that didn’t happen. Jon and Stephanie are the most level-headed, kind-hearted people I have ever met. They’ve got their crap together. And I love the fact that when Jon entered the picture, I gained an extra friend rather than losing the one I already had. These two are doing amazing things. They are living intentionally and inspiring those around them to do the same. I’m so glad they’ve chosen to do life together. 

