leaf day

7 years. Before this session, Cydney mentioned that I'd been photographing their family for 7 years. Wow. That's hard to wrap my head around! I am so, so honored that Mike and Cyd have allowed me to capture each stage of their lives together. Walking into their home, and seeing all the framed photos of their family throughout the years, makes me so happy. I'm proud, honestly. I'm proud of the images I've been able to capture for this family. I consider the photos I capture for them each year to be some of my very best work, not because we've replicated that perfect pinterest shot or because we had perfect props... but because these 4 trust me, open their hearts to me, and allow me to actually capture a slice of who they are. That's my favorite thing about this job. When clients become friends and photo shoots become memories... that's what I love. Thank you, Shenemans. <3


church candy


broken boutineer