45 degree

Cheers to experiments. Cheers to flying out of comfort zones. Cheers to waking up in the morning and getting out of bed.I haven't been the best at any of those things in the last few months. For unknown reasons, this winter has taken a toll on me. I often roll out of bed hours after I intend to, and the last thing on my mind is doing things that make me uncomfortable.That ended today. Today I flung myself out of bed, because today was EXPERIMENT DAY.Paula and I hung out in a studio for a few hours and kicked my fear of indoor photos to the curb. It was good for my soul. I'm so grateful for Paula and her fearlessness. She feeds my creative side. I can always count on her when it's time to experiment in art. I loved this session and am very open to heading back to the studio again sometime soon, if any of you are interested.So cheers to experiments. Cheers to posting on my blog after abandoning it for months. Cheers to you, for being here. 


no tacos


card games