promise me

GUYS. This is what dreams are made of. If every photo session I had was exactly like this one, I'd just straight up go into cardiac arrest. Everything about this was my favorite. It probably helped that I love Tyler and Becky though. Becky was probably my first childhood friend. We flooded a basement together. The love runs deep... much deeper than the water in the basement. And Tyler is my main photographer friend. He is based out of New York where he KILLS IT with his wedding photography on the regular. Check out his work here: I shot their wedding a couple of years ago, and it's still one of my favorites. If I could spend the rest of my days playing boardgames, eating ice cream, and watching the sunset with these two, I'd be the luckiest person in the world. I'm lucky just to know them. They are generous. They are goofy. And they are my friends.


metro field


rained out