grand tour

I love my job. I think it's truly hit me this past week just how much I love my job. I have met so many amazing people during my time as a photographer. And, if I'm being completely honest, I've met a few amazing dogs as well. Justin, Nicole, and Hobbes are no exception. As we toured around Grand Rapids, at one point Justin said that I didn't feel like someone they had just met. He said it seemed like we had all known each other for a while and were just out walking through town together. The feeling was definitely mutual. These two (or three) have an ease about them that makes you feel like you're instant friends. I'm glad I got to hang out with them. If you're interested in knowing a bit more about them, here's the link to Justin's blog. I didn't ask him if I could post it, but once I found it, I decided I had to share.


alligator hunter


electric feel