progressing apace

Oh sweet Megan, what do I even write? I’m so happy for you and Ryan. I remember Stephanie’s wedding day and how excited you were about this fantastic man but you were trying to keep it quiet because you didn’t want to draw the attention away from Steph. And now we’re counting down until your wedding day. Time moves so quickly. I’m thankful to have been able to spend some time with you, Ryan, and the woods. Thanks to both of you for just being yourselves and allowing me capture a tiny piece of that. I hope the photos do you justice. You are two of the most intelligent, others-focused, casually stunning people that have ever explored this big ole world. And I’m glad you’re able to do it together.


  1. Deb Thompson says:

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple!!

  2. Mary Beth Lamer says:

    Absolutely beautiful pictures capturing the true spirit of these two phenomenal people!

  3. Mary Jo Creevy says:

    Great job EmaleeDee – but you had some pretty phenomenal people to work with too! I just love your pictures. You do such a great job. Makes me wish I were getting married again – lol so you could be my photographer.