brother harrison

I can only handle so much love before I melt or explode or something. Bruce and Alicia tested my limits. There’s just something about these two. I can’t even try to explain. At one point we were at the beach, and I asked some lame question like, “Are you guys doing alright?” And Bruce looked at me and said, “I think we’re just happy to be married. And together.” That’s it. That’s what it’s about. They’re happy to be together. Their families and friends are happy to be together. I’m not even going to try to explain how amazing their bridal party was or how sweet their families were to everyone. Not even going to try.


  1. Jane Beyer-Robrahn says:

    Because if you try to explain that love, it will just make your heart spill over into your eyes? Yep. I see it, too, Emily! You captured it ALL. So gifted are you! And, I love that you named this "Brother Harrison." Mrs. Kraay shared this story with me. Love it! Love you! Love Love.